Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

One of my favorite holidays! It absolutely feels like fall, with leaves all over the place. My window has a crack in it (and it will be repaired soon) and you can hear the wind blowing like in an old haunted mansion. It's really beautiful! Can't wait to see the little kids running around. I hope everyone has a good night!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

The weather here is very interesting. Storms roll in and out of town in minutes. Today it was misty and cloudy all morning, noon was clear and by four it was pouring rain and lightening. Now it is kinda warm outside and smells like fall.

But I would rather have damp shoes and frizzy hair than a frozen nose and bleeding lungs. Yes, that's right. Apparently it gets so cold here your snot freezes in your nose and the air is so cold it causes you to cough up blood.

Are you warm in California, friends?

Love my new bike. Slowly breaking it in! Very slowly. The ride to school is only ten minutes but I am leave three minutes before school kind of girl. Riding in the cold is not so bad as riding up hill and riding uphill is not so bad as riding downhill! The hills are steep here and I am afraid of killing someone, myself or just not stopping in time and riding into oncoming traffic.

But still. My bike is pretty stylin'.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Study.... learn.... REPEAT.

Busy, busy, busy! Since the start of October things have really gotten underway. The hardest part would have to be that I still don't know the city that well. I don't have to just take a bus and roam around and I don't have the money to do so either. Which is fine because I like making artwork. I am either at the school or home. Always. I didn't come here to discover the city... I just wish I could discover some things like the best place to shop for groceries or where to buy paper. I had been driving a mile down the road to a horrible grocery store when just last week we found out there was one three blocks away that we didn't know about because we never go that way. Crazy.

I was also accepted into the Art History program so I am officially a double major!! It will mean more work each semester but I really believe I can do it.

Wait a Minute Mr. Postman...

Thank you to everyone who has sent me packages, postcards... car keys, beanies and letters. It really means a lot to me to get stuff in the mail that isn't a bill. By the way, if you are reading this and not related to me I need your address. Jan, Jules, Betty, Silla, Candice (I closed out of the chat before I wrote it down,) Marc and so on....

So send them!